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Therapy Terms & Conditions (updated January 2025)



My primary focus is to provide safe and effective therapy in an environment based on respect and a commitment to your well-being.  The following is a summary of the terms and conditions under which therapy is provided.



1. Therapy approach


I am a Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist and Counsellor. My approach to therapy is based on an 'pluralistic model' which means that I believe there are many ways in which human psychology can be explored and understood - no one theory or approach holds all the answers. Therefore, my style and approach are tailored to individual needs and personal circumstances.  My aim is to provide you with an opportunity to explore your difficulties and learn new techniques for improving your psychological health and well-being, in a safe, confidential and supportive environment. My role is to help you through this process without criticism or judgement, to listen to your difficulties and provide feedback and suggestions based on my professional observations and specialist training. If at any time I feel that I cannot help you in this way, I will offer to refer you to another service or recommend an alternative approach.



2. Appointments


Location: Therapy can be provided online or via telephone. Sometimes it may be necessary for me to see clients in their own home or in other situations, for example places where they may be encountering problems. The reasons for this will be discussed in therapy, should this become necessary.


Time: Sessions usually last for 50-60 minutes and will usually take place on a regular weekly basis. Variations to this can be discussed as appropriate.


Number of Sessions: The total number of sessions will depend on several factors: the nature of the problem and our agreed therapy plan but will usually involve between 6-20 individual appointments.  You are not contracted to any specific number of sessions.  With the exception of a cancelled appointment, you may terminate therapy without further cost at any time you wish.


Lateness: If for any reason you are late for a session, I will see you for the duration of the remainder but will be unable to work beyond the allotted time due to others who may be waiting.


Cancellations: If you have any difficulties making an appointment, please notify me as soon as possible. No charge will be made for appointments cancelled with more than 24 hours’ notice. Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will incur a fee of £30. The full standard fee will apply if you fail to attend an appointment without notice.



3. Contact between sessions and social networking


Our therapeutic relationship will remain a professional one at all times, the boundaries of which (such as contact outside of our sessions) can be agreed between us during our sessions.  Contact by email, SMS message, or telephone in between sessions will be limited to practical arrangements only. I always endeavour to respond within 24 hours of you making contact me with, except during holiday periods.  If you feel distressed or require support in an emergency, please contact your GP, out-of-hours doctor, A&E, or the Samaritans (116 123).  Please also note that I do not accept social networking requests, as this can compromise the confidential nature of the therapeutic relationship.



4. Fees


The fee for private referrals is £100 per online/telephone appointments, payable at the beginning of each session.  If a private health care plan is being used to fund your treatment, therapy will not commence until approval in writing has been received from the private health care organisation or you are able to provide the relevant authorisation code.  Please be aware that you may be liable to pay an excess fee to use your private health care policy.



5. Confidentiality


Details of therapy sessions will be kept in the strictest confidence. Notes will be made of sessions as is standard practice, and these will be stored securely and with coded forms of identification as an extra safeguard.  At no time will identifying information about you be given to anyone outside of the therapy relationship unless any of the exceptions, as outlined below apply:


if I believe that your welfare or the welfare of others (including children) to be seriously at risk, I may be legally and/or ethically obliged to disclose this information to a third party, such as a GP, social worker, police, etc.  In such instances, and wherever possible, I will consult with you before breaching confidentiality.


if you disclose information about criminal and/or terrorist activities.


in accordance with the ethical frameworks of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), I am required to undertake regular clinical supervision.  For this purpose, I may discuss some details of my work with you with my supervisor.  Supervision sessions are confidential, and its purpose is to ensure that my work with you is safe, ethical, competent, and professional at all times.


If I am subpoenaed by a Court of Law.


If you have been referred by a doctor, employer or insurance company, only details of appointment dates and times will be shared, unless you request additional information be released.


All records are kept in compliance with the Data Protection regulations and destroyed after 5 years from your last therapy session.  Please refer to the additional Privacy Policy and Data Protection document for more information.



6. Benefits and risks of therapy


Research indicates that most people benefit from therapy. These benefits include resolving problems or learning to manage them differently, increased self-awareness, improved confidence and self-esteem, improved relationships, and overall improvement in emotional well-being, as well as many others.  However, these outcomes cannot be guaranteed.  You need to be aware that as much as therapy can be a supportive process, you may also experience it as challenging.  You may feel emotionally uncomfortable at times. This is because therapy can cause you to explore painful feelings, emotions and experiences.  You may cry, get upset or feel angry during a challenging session.  You may also feel physically drained.  Some interventions used in therapy, such as exposure, may require you to confront situations you’d rather avoid – this can lead to temporary stress and anxiety.  Learning more about yourself can also result in you making life-changing decisions regarding your career, relationships, and other goals.



7. Ending therapy


Because therapy can be demanding, frustrating, and emotional at times, you may sometimes find this process very difficult and feel the need to terminate your sessions.  Your feedback on the process will be asked for regularly and if you feel unhappy with any aspects of the treatment being offered please do try and communicate this verbally.  This gives us both the chance to address and resolve any issues.  In the normal course of events you will probably know when you are ready to finish therapy, and we will agree together on the work we need to do to prepare for this.  I will not suddenly or without warning terminate our contract, except in exceptional circumstances, which would become clear in the course of the/our work together. This would be fully discussed at that time.  If at any time I feel that therapy is no longer helpful or appropriate for you, I will discuss this with you and may suggest you discontinue.  If I felt that another professional was better placed to help you than me, I would suggest a change and support you whilst you made it.  If at any time you are concerned or unhappy about my therapy work with you, it is important to discuss this with me so that we can find a satisfactory resolution.  Alternatively, you can contact my clinical supervisor and/or a professional body to raise your concerns.




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